Friday, June 18, 2010

Diary Of A Middled Aged Woman

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This is the face of a woman of experience - me!

 I've  had a busy and varied life with 2 mariages, 1st 23years - with him 28 years and 12 years with my wonderful 2nd husband. 
I consider him my soulmate.
                                                                                                          My family are very important to me. Marina and Nadine, my daughters and grandchildren, Amber, Jack, Alfie are a major part of my life.     

This is my wonderful mum who suffered greatly and always saw the best in people - even when they that took advantage of her. 

This last 4 years have been extremely stressful for us both - in different ways. 

She had been ready to depart this world for the last 4 years and every christmas she ended up in hostpital. 

The carers called me 7.30a.m.12th December 2009. Mum was not responding as normal. 

I met the ambulance at the hostpital - she knew I was there, holding her hand. She didn't want to be alone. Her pain was over 15th December.

Her smile could light up a room and she is sadly missed by all who knew her. Never a day goes by that I don't think of her. I miss her terribly. Slowly I'm trying to get my life back on track. 

I promised her I would start writing but as soon as I start my mood becomes too dark so I'm doing a blog instead and hope , in time, my sunny personality returns.
Watch TV on Computer
For the last few years I've been researching online opportunities, some profiable, many more not!  

I started with surveys, which I still do now for pin money.

While I'm in the writing mood I'm going to recommend getting a vibration/power plate excersie machine. I bought one a year ago - for stress relief . 

The best money I've spent in a long time. Worth it's weight in gold to me!  

The benefits are numerous. 

Tones, relaxes, increases stamina, low impact aerobics, increases bone density, boosts circulation. 

10 mins equivalent to one hour workout.

Use every other day.

I personally use daily, after all I am a menopausal woman and my mother suffered chronic osteo and rhumetoid  arthritis from an early age.